Version 3.0 Pro User's Guide |
Installing NetCloak Pro with Other Web Servers |
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The NetCloak Pro plug-in automatically registers two actions called "CLOAK_PI" and "NFORMS_PI", and registers two suffix mappings which maps the ".nclk" file suffix to the "CLOAK_PI" action and the ".fdml" suffix to the "NFORMS_PI" action. You should also be able to modify the suffix mapping for ".html" files so that they are handled by the "CLOAK_PI" action (and thus the NetCloak plug-in), and also map additional suffixes to these two actions as you require.
The NetCloak CGI must be configured manually. You should create two actions, named "CLOAK" and "NFORMS" that both define a path to "NetCloak.acgi" as their handler, and then create suffix mappings that map the suffix ".nclk" (and optionally ".html") to the "CLOAK" action, and the suffix ".fdml" to the "NFORMS" action.
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